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Fun activities for kids on Earth Day

Child playing outdoors

Earth Day is just around the corner, and it’s a great reminder of the importance of environmental awareness for us and our children. On this day, people around the world come together to do something good for the environment and to raise awareness of the issues we have. It is super important to include kids into this, so we have put together a list of fun activities for kids on Earth Day to help them get involved.

Kids are our future – and they have to deal with what we have left them. Earth Day becomes even more important as it becomes clear that the environmental issues that we have today are not going to solve themselves – they require swift action. Learning about this can be a lot for children, even though it is important. If we are able to create positive experiences surrounding environmental awareness and work, it will help them to regain agency and not feel overwhelmed and powerless. And what better opportunity is there than Earth Day?

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Related: Teaching Children how to be Environmentalists

Nature Observation

Nature observation is a step further than just spending time in nature. When we go on a hike or a walk in our forest, there are so many things we miss. Slowing down every once in a while, and looking for those small, beautiful details is a great way to see nature in a different light – and learn something at the same time.

We have developed a Forest Bingo Card that really helps with this. Last week I went on our usual walk behind our house with my daughter and took the card. Not only was she super eager to get going, but she also focused so much more on details. She found mushrooms, small yellow flowers and even spotted the tiny ants that were crossing our way.

We have done this walk probably 100 times already, but we realized that we had no idea where to find pinecones – we had never paid attention to the kinds of trees that we were walking under. While looking for a plant with spikes, we realized that we had never really looked at the shrubbery next to the path. So even I was able to see everything in a different light – and I loved it. We will definitely be using this Forest Bingo Card a lot, as things change with the seasons and we did not find everything yet, and we both are super excited for our next time.

Get your free copy of our Forest Bingo Card right into your inbox.

Put up a nest box

Putting up a nest box is an amazing activity for kids on earth day, as they will benefit from the experience the entire year. Depending on where you are, these could be wooden nest boxes for tits, sparrows or starlings, or other birds. Check your local ornithology association to see which ones are appropriate for your area right now.

We put up nest boxes for tits last year, and we can see a couple of them from our balcony. My daughter loves to watch the birds fly in and out throughout the year and keeps telling everyone: I made the house for them. In winter, we had to clear them out to avoid parasites from infecting the next breeding birds, and it was amazing to see that almost all of them had been occupied during the nesting season. This is a great way to include your kids in environmental work and help your local bird population at the same time.


We got our building kits from the local environmental organization, but you can buy very pretty sets as well and assemble them together with your kids on Earth Day.

Plant some flowers for bees

Gardening with kids is an amazing way to get outside time as a family. On Earth Day, you could specifically plant flowers or plants which are not only pretty but also serve a purpose. Because of monocultures and urban development, many insects – specifically bees – have more and more problems finding enough food, so planting bee-friendly flowers in your garden or even in communal spaces is a great way of helping the environment while doing a fun activity for kids on earth day.

Related: Gardening with kids – Growing a green thumb

Read books

A great way to learn about issues for kids is to read books. There are plenty of great books that introduce environmental topics in an age-appropriate way to children and also talk about things they can actually do. Why not read one of these books together on Earth Day to have a conversation starter and maybe some new ideas.

Picking up trash

Picking up trash in the local forest or on the beach is a very simple, yet satisfying activity with kids which has a direct impact and is easy to do. It is a fun activity for kids on earth day as you get time outside together and do something good for the environment at the same time. Make sure you have the appropriate gear though. You will need gloves, trash bags and if possible, a trash picker. Also, make sure that your kids know how to deal with dangerous trash like shattered glass or dog poop – you probably do not want them to handle that. Picking up trash on earth day will also raise their awareness for trash in nature in the future and they will surely spread the message – I will never forget the time my daughter ambushed someone on the trail for leaving a candy paper. A very proud mum-moment…

Build an insect hotel

Urbanization, the use of pesticides, and monocultures are not only a problem for bees but for all insects, which are crucial for the survival of our ecosystem. So why not build a hotel for them on Earth Day with kids? It can be super interesting to learn about the way insects live and what they need to build their house. If they move in over the summer, your kids will get a first-row seat to some super interesting things and learn even more!

You can build an insect hotel from pretty much all natural materials and there are plenty of tutorials around. We used to tie together bamboo sticks and hang them somewhere where they would not bother us and would not be bothered by us. There are some very pretty DIY sets though that you can build with your kids, and this summer my daughter and I will also build a more sophisticated one!


Volunteering in a local project

Right now, this might be difficult, as many countries still have Covid 19 restrictions in place, but if you have the chance, volunteering in a local environmental project is a great activity for kids on Earth Day. Not only will they learn something, but volunteering teaches appreciation, enhances their life and social skills, and increases their world perspective. Volunteering with you also is a great chance to be a good role model and to introduce the concept of volunteering to your family.

My daughter and I have volunteered in different reforestation projects in the last years, and the lessons she has learned have had a huge influence on her outlook on many environmental problems. And a day outdoors planting trees is also great fun!

You can find volunteer projects by checking your newspapers, following local news and boards, and connecting with other environmentally conscious parents in your area.

Take a course about environmental topics

I know that we are all sick of online education right now, after all these challenging months, but I still think online courses are a great way for children to learn about things that interest them. We love Outschool and my daughter has taken many courses over the last few months about topics that she wanted to learn more about. If you want to try it and sign up with this link for any class, you will get a USD 20 credit – most of the times that more than covers the cost for one class. On Monday, she will take a course about wolves and is super excited already, because she had to write a paper about wolves for school. She also learned about marine biology and environmental issues through these courses.

She also loves nature-themed art projects. Drawing birds, butterflies, and – yes, wolves again, is her way of learning more about nature and its ecosystems. In the last few months, we have taken online art classes from artist Devon Meyer and can only full-heartedly recommend her classes!


What are your plans for Earth Day? We would love to hear from you to get some more inspiration!

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