What I learned from hiking with my kid for...

We had an amazing summer! After these 1.5 crazy years, we were so ready to …

20 + summer outdoor activities for kids

Summer is right around the corner and soon it will be warm enough to spend …

How to get your kids to spend more time...

Spending time outdoors is fun, healthy, and good for everyone. But let´s be honest, sometimes …

10 easy backyard activities for kids to enjoy nature

Now that the kids are back to school, it might feel even more challenging to …

Birdwatching with kids – an amazing way to connect...

Birdwatching with kids might sound like a contradiction at first sight – don’t you have …

Letting go of mum-guilt – you don’t have to...

Spending time outdoors with kids is healthy, fun, and has many other developmental benefits. This …

Never forget these 6 things when packing your kids...

We love hiking! I and my daughter have hiked through the Alps, the Himalayas, and …